Midget AAA Final Roster
Kings County Board and Coaches would like to welcome the following players to the 2019-2020 Kings County Kings Midget AAA Team. Thank you to everyone that tried out. Have a wonderful hockey season.
Next ice time is Friday October 4th at 7:30pm in Souris and Sunday October 6th in Souris @ 5:20pm also Tuesday October 8th @ 9:10pm Montague
Parents please send your personal contact info(cell, email) to 6871990@gmail.com
Banks, Aidan
Blackett, Dylan
Chapman, Drew
Dixon, Alexander
Gormley, Jayson
Gormley, Owen
Higginbottom, Alec
MacDonald, Denver
MacDonald, Ryan
Mackenzie, Jack
MacPhee, Jacob
McGuire, Taylor
Miller, Dylan
Patton, Landon
Reynolds, Avery
Steadman, Craig
Sudsbury, Thomas
Victor, Jarett